The Perfect Features For Any Retail Store with POS

Running a retail store can be demanding, with so much to take care of entire store’s inventory. While a point-of-sale (POS) system can’t physically put the products at your store, it can help with your bottom line. Doesn’t that sound relaxing? Here are a few features to be a ware of when shopping for a retail store POS system.

Inventory Management

Counting how many items you have on stock can be cumbersome and a time-waster, but with a POS system, you know exactly how many you have. A quality POS system can automatically update your stock and sales data, and allow you to access real-time stock reports. Plus, set up an alert to let you know when you get low on items like Kitchen items. Better yet, low inventory alerts can be set to automatically re-order with your grocery supplier. That way customer will never go empty handed.


Check out customers anywhere in the store. It’s nice to meet customers in the aisles and ring them up, especially if they’re purchasing a big item – like a LED TV or Washing Machine. Nobody wants to drag that through the store and wait in line. Having the capability to be mobile allows for so many other benefits too, one being great customer service. Staff members have all the store’s info in their hand. Need to know more about a particular brand? No problem. Find it with a click of a button. What about checking inventory? Again, not a problem. Check on your mobile POS. It also helps with keeping lines at the register low. Plus, giving your friendly staff the ability to interact with customers provides a great personal experience. (will be available in alpha version)

Customer Relations Management (CRM)

Collect customer info so you can keep track of your customer’s shopping habits. A name and email will work just fine. A POS like ASFESS can create customized data reports that allow you to filter by top selling products, most profitable products, frequent buyers, top paying buyers. Then utilize your loyalty program so you can reward your buyers with in-store credit, create sales on popular items, produce custom gift and/or loyalty cards, and generate loyal relationships with satisfied customers.

Analytic and Data Reporting

It’s good to know your stats. What is selling? Are those girls outfits a hot item? What should you not order again? Who are you top salesmen? What are you peak selling seasons, times, days in the week, etc.? A quality POS can pull data, and even help you analyze it. By knowing your data, you can make smart buying decisions, as well as successful promotional campaigns.

Looking for these features in your retail POS software will keep your business on the growth track. If you have questions, give ASFESS a call for a demo.


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