Exhibitions & Meena Bazar

No doubt there are hundreds of ways to take advantage of latest POS, but here we are talking of few which can drag your sale graph to the top. Among the all usual techniques Exhibitions & Meena Bazar are sort of very interesting events specially for families to visit and shopping in bulk. Now the question is how you gonna do that? Here are some suggestion how you can go through.

Look to The Past

It’s time to pull data from Thanksgiving’s past to see how many servers, what type of sales volume, and items that sold and ones that didn’t. Find the trends and build a baseline so you can begin to forecast what you will do for this year. This data is key to guiding you toward cost-effective, strategic decisions.

Chose a Perfect Place
If you have got place other than your super store utilize that for this purpose, people usually like Exhibitions in open area. If you just can’t arrange this sort of facility just forget it and plan same within your super store, we will discuss later that how to prepare your super store for exhibitions and meena bazars. In case of availability of place try to shortlist all possible options and breakdown them to finally select one best place, which must have following characteristics.

- Nearest but vast place
- Public transportation should available
- Place should be clean and balanced
- Huge space for car parking (set it free to park)
- Public toilet dedicated to exhibition viewers
- Transportation available for carry stuff

Chose a Right Time
Not every time is right time for everyone so chose very smartly, the summer vocation is best days, where winter vocation is also good option, as most of kids are free and parents loves to go in such place along with kids. Utilize special days, no matter if special occasion occur for one day, add one day before and after, three days will be enough for this sort of campaigns. Avoid choosing rainy days or any unexpected days like any sort of movements when roads remain blocked.

Decorate Exhibition Area
When you gonna ask people to come in event you have to decorate that according to your viewers, like if you expect huge number of kids than you should dedicate a kids playing area, decorate whole section with beautiful cartoons, lighting, welcome banners etc. By making a guide/welcome reception you can grab huge attention of your audience.

Keep Price Low and Offer Bundles
People usually attract with a lowest price if you offer same price as you are offering in ordinary days in store than there is absolutely no need to conduct Exhibition more over give people a choice to buy bundles and single products according to your POS stats you can easily sort out which products are in hit list of customers shuffle and mix some less selling items in bundle and give huge discount it really gonna help your exhibition plus clearing old stock.


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