Give Wished it’s Time to Get Your Business Ready for Thanksgiving

Not everybody enjoys shopping in a massive. In fact, statistics have shown through the years that more and more people are shopping out on routine day. This year will be no different. Will you be able to capitalize on those that want a massive shopping at your store? Or maybe you might want to cater to those who are shopping, but need a little help. Here are some ways to prepare for Thanksgiving utilizing the help from your point-of-sale (POS) system.

Look to The Past

It’s time to pull data from Thanksgiving’s past to see how many servers, what type of sales volume, and items that sold and ones that didn’t. Find the trends and build a baseline so you can begin to forecast what you will do for this year. This data is key to guiding you toward cost-effective, strategic decisions.

Plan the Items and Stock the Pantry

Will you plan a Thanksgiving items for the month of January, or will you just plan a shopping with stuffing on Thanksgiving day? Or maybe you’ll do both?! Once you’ve reviewed your data you know what items work best for your customers. Then check you POS to see what stuff you already have in stock and what you need to order. Set alerts that let you know when stock is getting low, or automatically set your POS to re-order when items hit a certain threshold.

Let Your Customers Know

Don’t forget to email/SMS your loyal clientele to let them know you’re having Thanksgiving at their favorite store. Perhaps, you could even give free dessert to your most faithful patrons. Use your POS to pull data with qualifiers like frequency of visits, and/or average bill size.

You can attract more orders by targeting the home routine items. Let your customers know that you are lending a hand by helping them set their pantry. Promote specific appetizers or sides. That’s one less grocery they have to pantry, making their kitchen and home a little less stressful.

Train and Schedule Staff

Analyze your peak service times through your POS from last year. Will you need more staff this year? Devise a schedule that fits your store needs. If you are changing the location, running special promotions, or putting new processes in place, make sure all employees are adequately trained.

By implementing some of these tips with your POS system, you’ll set yourself apart from all the other stores this Thanksgiving. Plus, your customers will have a memorable experience that could start their shopping tradition with you everytime.


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