ASFESS Features

ASFESS is a perfect solution for every super store, small & large business. It helps you to grow your business no matter where you are staying you can still be watch what’s going on in your branch. ASFESS POS is only one of it kind which is equally useful for business owners and suppliers, where the cashier terminal owns some new stunning features such as credit payment and its history, gift cards, promo code and much more.

ASFESS contains too many features subject to the package you have selected, here are some common features that every business owner should have.

Remote Access

As ASFESS is a web application (cashier terminal is local based), business owner can have access of all features through web in his/her smart phone or laptop or computer how it’s convenient to be, so the business owner can control the activities going on branch level, or business owner can put a stock upgrading request to suppliers, warehouse for instant refill. There is no need to visit each branch every time however it is not recommended to totally cutoff physically but ASFESS providing you a platform that can handle your store remotely.

Perfect Report Generation

Are you well aware of your business stats? Its really hard to know exact stats of each branch, specially if you want to look back for a certain days stats, it is almost impossible, so ASFESS gives you a solution under this POS you will have a good hand on past and present stats by using simple filters search stats for exact time period and plan your business according to it.

Records & Backups

This new POS empower with a ability of taking routine cloud backups and keeping hackers a way far from it. In case of uncertain crash or error, customer support will be available 24/7 who can act according to damage done. No matter how much data you have our fast and vast cloud server keeps all backups upto date and ready to deliver. All type of records such as, stock, reports, sales, discounts, gift cards, credit histories remain save at our server which will be provided anytime.

Controllable Users

This feature is first time introduced in any kind of POS, now business owner have full access to create users according to branch need for example branch might need, cashier, manager, stock keeper, auditor etc, this is not ended yet after creating users, owner can give them specific limitations or permissions which will make one cashier is different from another and so manager. This feature is very much effective for super large branches.

Stock Controls

Now stock can be manage more effectively which was never controllable before. There are few modules for keeping stock upto date such as when branch stock get low, it will generate automatic alert to the suppliers in such way that, they can reach business owner and give them quotations to get urgent stock, in same way business owner can send notice to suppliers to send urgent stock by internal provided mechanism.


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